AKC Titles (titles
given by American Kennel Club)
Bench Shows & Lure Coursing |
Ch. |
Champion : Dogs
must acquire 15 points, including 2 majors won under
different judges and at least one point under a
third different judge. This title is earned in the
show ring |
FC |
Field Champion : Obtained
by winning Best In Field at the National Lure
Coursing Championship or acquiring 15 points, with
at least 2 firsts with at least 3 points under 2
different judges or panels and 1 point with at least
1 of the same breed in competition |
DC |
Champion : Any
dog that has been awarded the title of Champion of
Record (Ch.) may be designated as a "Dual Champion,"
after it has also been awarded the title of Field
Champion (FC) or Herding Champion (HC) |
JC |
Junior Courser : A
hound running alone shall receive certification from
a Judge on one date, and a second certification from
a different Judge at a later date, stating that the
hound completed a 600-yard course with a minimum of
four (4) turns. The hound must complete the course
with enthusiasm and without interruption. The two
runs can be on the same date at or in conjunction
with a National Breed Specialty |
SC |
Courser : 1)
Must be eligible to enter the open stake. That
requires the dog to have obtained at least one of
the following: AKC Junior Courser title or American
Kennel Club Field Champion title. 2) The hound must
run with at least one other hound. 3) Must receive
qualifying scores at four (4) AKC-licensed or member
trials, under two different Judges or judging panels |
MC |
Courser : The
Master Courser title will be awarded to hounds that
have acquired the Senior Courser title and that have
earned an additional twenty-five (25) qualifying
scores (with competition) in either the Open, Open
Veteran or Specials stake at AKC licensed or member
club lure coursing trials |
Lure Courser
Excellent : Any
dog that has been awarded the title of Field
Champion and has earned 45 additional championship
points will be awarded the suffix title of Lure
Courser Excellent (LCX). The title of Lure Courser
Excellent is a cumulative title, each time the dog
accrues an additional 45 championship points it
would be eligible to receive the next title level. (LCX
2, LCX 3, LCX 4, etc.) |
Agility (In
alphabetical order) |
Excellent Agility
Jumper With Weaves "A" Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A Jumpers
With Weaves Preferred class under at least 2
different judges |
AX |
Agility Excellent : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent Agility
class under at least 2 different judges |
Excellent Agility Jumper : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A Jumpers
With Weaves class under at least 2 different judges |
Excellent "A" Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Agility Excellent
"A" Preferred class under at least 2 different
judges |
FAST Century : Requires
the MXF title plus 100 Excellent B FAST agility
class qualifying scores or 60 points or greater.
The FTC title initials will be followed by a number
indicating the quantity of times the dog has met
these requirements (e.g. FTC2, FTC3, etc.) |
Century Preferred : Requires
the MFP title plus 100 Excellent B FAST agility
class qualifying scores or 60 points or greater.
The FTC title initials will be followed by a number
indicating the quantity of times the dog has met
these requirements (e.g. FTC2, FTC3, etc.) |
Master Excellent
FAST Preferred : Dog
must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B FAST
Preferred agility class under at least 2 different
judges. Trial in which XFP was earned does not
count toward the 10 |
Excellent Jumpers With Weaves "B" Preferred : Dog
must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B
Jumpers With Weaves Preferred agility class under at
least 2 different judges. Trial in which AJP was
earned does not count toward the 10 |
MX |
Master Agility Excellent : Dog
must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B
agility class under at least 2 different judges.
Trial in which AX was earned does not count toward
the 10 |
Excellent FAST : Dog
must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B FAST
agility class under at least 2 different judges.
Trial in which XF was earned does not count toward
the 10 |
Master Excellent
Jumpers With Weaves : Dog
must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B
Jumpers With Weaves agility class under at least 2
different judges. Trial in which AXJ was earned
does not count toward the 10 |
Agility Excellent "B" Preferred : Dog
must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent Agility
Preferred "B" agility class under at least 2
different judges. Trial in which AXP was earned
does not count toward the 10 |
NA |
Agility : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice A and/or B
agility class under at least 2 different judges |
Agility Jumper : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice A and/or B
Jumpers With Weaves agility class under at least 2
different judges |
Agility Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice Agility
Preferred agility class under at least 2 different
judges |
NF |
FAST : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice A and/or B
FAST agility class under at least 2 different judges |
FAST Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice A and/or B
FAST Preferred agility class under at least 2
different judges |
Jumpers With Weaves Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice Jumpers With
Weaves Preferred agility class under at least 2
different judges |
OA |
Open Agility : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open Agility class
under at least 2 different judges |
Agility Jumper : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open Jumpers With
Weaves agility class under at least 2 different
judges |
Agility Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open Agility
Preferred agility class under at least 2 different
judges |
OF |
FAST : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open FAST agility
class under at least 2 different judges |
FAST Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open FAST Preferred
agility class under at least 2 different judges |
Jumpers With Weaves Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open Jumpers With
Weaves Preferred agility class under at least 2
different judges |
Preferred Agility
Excellent : Dog
must achieve 20 double qualifying scores obtained
from the Preferred Excellent B Standard agility
class and the Preferred Excellent B Jumpers With
Weaves class. Qualifying in both classes on the
same day equals one double qualifying score |
XF |
Excellent FAST : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A FAST
agility class under at least 2 different judges |
Excellent FAST Preferred : Dog
must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A FAST
Preferred agility class under at least 2 different
judges |
Obedience (In
alphabetical order) |
CD |
Companion Dog : Must
be certified by 3 different judges to have received
qualifying scores in Novice classes at 3 licensed or
member obedience trials |
Companion Dog
Excellent : Must
be certified by 3 different judges to have received
qualifying scores in Open classes at 3 licensed or
member obedience trials |
UD |
Utility Dog : Must
be certified by 3 different judges to have received
qualifying scores in Utility classes at 3 licensed
or member obedience trials |
Utility Dog Excellent : Dog
must receive qualifying scores in both Open B and
Utility B at 10 separate licensed or member
obedience trials. UDX will be followed by a number
indicating the number of times a dog has met the
requirements (e.g. UDX2 for 20 qualifying scores,
UDX3 for 30, UDX4 for 40, etc.) |
Rally (In
alphabetical order) |
RN |
AKC Rally®
Novice : Must
be certified by 2 different judges to have received
qualifying scores in Novice classes at 3 licensed or
member rally trials |
RA |
AKC Rally®
Advanced : Must
be certified by 2 different judges to have received
qualifying scores in Advanced classes at 3 licensed
or member rally trials |
RE |
AKC Rally®
Excellent : Must
be certified by 2 different judges to have received
qualifying scores in Excellent classes at 3 licensed
or member rally trials |
AKC Rally®
Advanced Excellent : Must
earn qualifying scores in both Advanced B and
Excellent B classes at 10 separate licensed or
member rally trials |
Tracking (In
alphabetical order) |
TD |
Tracking Dog : Must
be certified by 2 different judges to have passed a
licensed or member club TD test |
Tracking Dog
Excellent : Must
be certified by 2 different judges to have passed a
licensed or member club TDX test |
Variable Surface Tracking : Must
be certified by 2 different judges to have passed a
licensed or member club VST test |
Versatility (Combination
of Obedience/Agility/Tracking) |
VCD1 |
Versatile Companion Dog 1 : Must
complete CD, NA, NAJ, TD titles or CD, NAP, NJP, TD
titles |
VCD2 |
Versatile Companion Dog 2 : Must
complete CDX, OA, OAJ, TD titles or CDX, OAP, OJP,
TD tiles |
VCD3 |
Versatile Companion Dog 3 : Must
complete UD, AX, AXJ, TDX titles or UP, AXP, AJP,
TDX titles |
VCD4 |
Versatile Companion Dog 4 : Must
complete UDX, MX, MXJ, VST titles or UPX, MXP, MJP,
VST titles |
ASFA Titles (titles
given by American Sighthound Field Association) |
FCh |
Field Champion : A
dog has to attain 100 points in the Open Stake and
within those 100 points, they also have to receive
either two 1st placements or one 1st placement and
two 2nd placements and those placements must be won
by defeating at least one other dog |
Lure Courser of
Merit :
After receiving the title of FCh, a hound continues
to compete and receive four 1st placements with
competition and 300 additional points in the Field
Champion Stake, then they are awarded the LCM
title. When a hound completes the LCM title it may
continue to compete for addition titles. After an
additional four 1 placements with competition and an
additional 300 points, the title of LCM-2 shall be
awarded. This process would be indefinitely
repeated for LCM-3, LCM-4, and so on |
V-FCh |
Veteran Field
Champion :
A dog 7 years or older has to attain 75 points from
the Veteran Open Stake, they also have to receive
either two 1st placements or one 1st placement and
two 2nd placements and those placements must be won
by defeating at least one other dog |
Veteran Lure
Courser of Merit :
After receiving the title of V-FCh, a hound
continues to compete and receive four 1st placements
with competition and 200 additional points in the
Veteran Field Champion Stake, then they are awarded
the V-LCM title. When a hound completes the V-LCM
title it may continue to compete for addition
titles. After an additional four 1 placements with
competition and an additional 200 points, the title
of V-LCM-2 shall be awarded. This process would be
indefinitely repeated for V-LCM-3, V-LCM-4, and so
on |
WRA Titles (titles
given by Whippet Racing Association) |
CR |
Companion Racer : A
hound must obtain a total of 15 points, they must
complete the meet to receive these points. |
Companion Racer
Excellent : After
attaining the CR title, a hound must obtain a total
of 60 points, they must complete the meet to obtain
these points. After the CRX title is achieved, it
will take the place of the CR title. When
a hound completes the CRX title it may continue to
compete for addition titles. After an additional 60
points (meets must be completed), the title of CRX-2
shall be awarded. This process would be
indefinitely repeated for CRX-3, CRX-4, and so on |
WRCh |
Whippet Race
Champion :
A dog must earn 15 race Championship points, points
are awarded to the top unfinished dogs |
Whippet Race
Champion Excellent :
A bitch must earn 30 National race Championship
points, a dog must earn 50 National race
Championship points. A number may be added to the
end of the title after achieving additional points
(30 for bitches, 50 for dogs - e.g. WRChX2, WRChX3,
etc.) Points are awarded to very top placing dogs
in the meet, whether finished or not |
NOTRA Titles (titles
given by National Oval Track Racing Association) |
Track Racer : A
dog must complete all heats of a meet and points are
accumulated by how many dogs an individual defeats
per meet. The maximum one can earn per meet is 10
points. A dog must earn 25 points to earn their OTR |
Track Racer Master : dog
must complete all heats of a meet and points are
accumulated by how many dogs an individual defeats
per meet. The maximum one can earn per meet is 10
points. A dog must earn 100 points to earn their
OTRM. Numbers are then added to the end of the
title (OTRM2, OTRM3, etc.) all requiring 100
additional points |
Race Champion : A
dog must earn 15 race Championship points, points
are awarded to the top unfinished dogs |
Supreme Oval Race Champion : A
bitch must earn 30 National race Championship
points, a dog must earn 50 National race
Championship points. A number may be added to the
end of the title after achieving additional points
(30 for bitches, 50 for dogs - e.g. SORC2, SORC3,
etc.) Points are awarded to the very top placing
dogs in the meet, whether finished or not |
NAWRA Titles (titles
given by North American Whippets Racing Association) |
SR |
Senior Racer : Equivalent
to NOTRA OTR title |
Senior Racer
Master : Equivalent
to NOTRA OTRM title |
RCh |
Champion : A
dog must earn 15 race Championship points, points
are awarded to the top unfinished dogs |
SRCh |
Supreme Race Champion : A
bitch must earn 30 National race Championship
points, a dog must earn 50 National race
Championship points. A number may be added to the
end of the title after achieving additional points
(30 for bitches, 50 for dogs - e.g. SRCh2, SRCh3,
etc.) Points are awarded to the very top placing
dogs in the meet, whether finished or not |
NOFCA Titles (titles
given by National Open Field Coursing Association) |
CC |
Coursing Champion : A
dog must core 100 points in competition, 10 of these
points must be earned in breed competition. Also
the dog must obtain one 1st placement or two 2nd
placements and either two assisted kills or one
unassisted kill |
CM |
Award of Coursing Merit : In
addition to the requirements for obtaining their CC
- a dog must also score 100 points in breed
competition |
NACA Titles (titles
given by North American Coursing Association) |
Coursing Champion : Equivalent
to NOFCA CC title |
Award of Coursing Merit : Equivalent
CM title |
Flyball Titltes (titles
given by the North American Flyball Association)
time a team races in a NAFA sanctioned Flyball
tournament, their dogs earn points based on the
- under 24 seconds : each dog racing in that heat
receives 25 points towards a Flyball title
- under 28 seconds : each dog receives 5 points
- under 32 seconds : each dog receives 1 point |
FD |
Flyball Dog :
Earned 20 points |
Flyball Dog Excellent :
Earned 100 points |
FDCh |
Flyball Dog Champion :
Earned 500 points |
FDCh-S |
Flyball Dog Champion-Silver :
Earned 1000 points |
FDCh-G |
Flyball Dog Champion-Gold :
Earned 2500 points |
FM |
Flyball Master :
Earned 5000 points |
Flyball Master Excellent :
Earned 10000 points |
FMCh |
Flyball Master Champion :
Earned 15000 points |
Earned 20000
points |
FGDCh-30 |
Flyball Grand Champion :
Earned 30000 points |
Miscellaneous Titles |
Best In Field : You
will see BIF in front of the name of a dog that has
won a Best In Field win at either an AKC and/or ASFA
lure coursing trial . M will be added to the front
of BIF (to be MBIF) when a dog has won more then
one Best In Field win |
Best In Show : You
will see BIS in front of the name of a dog that has
won a Best In Show win at an all-breed AKC show. M
will be added to the front of BIS (to be MBIS)
when a dog has won more then one Best In Show win |
Specialty Best In
Show : You
will see SBIS in front of the name of a dog that has
won a Specialty Best In Show (or Specialty Best of
Breed). M will be added to the front of SBIS (to
be MSBIS) when a dog has won more then one
Specialty Best In Show (Best of Breed) win |
Specialty Best In Show : You
will see NSBIS in front of the name of a dog that
has won a National Specialty Best In Show (or
National Specialty Best of Breed). M will be added
to the front of NSBIS (to be MNSBIS) when a dog
has won more then one National Specialty Best In
Show (Best of Breed) win |
Register of Merit : An
award given by the American Whippet club when a
bitch produces 7 Champions & dogs that produce 15
Champions. Champions include AKC bench Champions,
AKC Field Champions, ASFA LCM titles, CWA ARX
titles, WRA WRCh titles, NOTRA ORC titles and a few
others |
Register of Merit Excellent : The
same as the ROM title, but it is awarded to bitches
who have produced at least 10 Champions and dogs
that produce at least 25 Champions. |
Canine Good Citizen : A
test taken to using basic obedience commands. Dog
must heal on loose lead on a heal pattern, meet
another dog and not be overly interested. Must do a
recall, either on a long leash or off leash. Must
be able to be held by a stranger with you out of
sight for 3 minutes. Dog can show some agitation but
cannot bark or pull or act overly nervous. They
also have to react well to being startled with loud
noises and things such as opening umbrellas |
Therapy Dog International : Earned
much like the CGC title, but there is also a food
component involved |